Cover_StripBanner1_Cropped&TouchUp.jpg,RICH EILBERT Music 



























LOMA (Lincoln Open Mike Acoustic) recurs monthly on the 2nd Monday, 7 - 10 pm (3rd Monday if holiday, closed Jul & Aug).  Players should pre-register at a week ahead as sign-up on-site is unpredictable.

Location: Bemis Hall, 15 Bedford Rd, Lincoln, MA (near 5-corner intersection with Trapelo Rd). Admission is FREE.



Feb 10, 2025 (Mon.)  Lincoln, MA - LOMA

I’ll host the LOMA Open Mike, 7 to 10 pm.  Doug Hazard will feature,  FREE

Mar 10, 2025 (Mon.)  Lincoln, MA - LOMA

I’ll host the LOMA Open Mike, 7 to 10 pm.  Tom Hagerty will feature, Facebook/Tom-Hagerty-Band  FREE

Apr 14, 2025 (Mon.)  Lincoln, MA - LOMA

I’ll host the LOMA Open Mike, 7 to 10 pm.  Laura Vecchione will feature,  FREE

May 12, 2025 (Mon.)  Lincoln, MA - LOMA

I’ll host the LOMA Open Mike, 7 to 10 pm.  Sweetbrier (Brad Meyer & Amy Lohman) will feature, Facebook/Brad.Meyer  FREE

Jun 9, 2025 (Mon.)  Lincoln, MA - LOMA

I’ll host the LOMA Open Mike, 7 to 10 pm.  Gretchen Bowder & Frank Drake will feature,  FREE







Rich’s YouTube Channel   Subscribe for easy access.


Rich’s “Semi-Viral” YouTube videos:

Yellow Rubber Ducks  (150,000 views) retells the 10 year journey of 29,000 rubber ducks from the mid-Pacific Ocean to the US Atlantic seaboard via the Arctic sea.

Let My People Go (26,000 views) humorously recaps of the Exodus story told in 3 short minutes.

Jetman (8,000 views) gives homage to Yves Rossy, who flew across the English Channel and more recently over the Grand Canyon using a jet-pack.

Donald Duck Umbrella (5,000 views) offers a good-natured take on clutter in our lives and homes.

Bernie Madoff (1,000 views) lampoons this bald-faced financial swindler with wry humor.


Rich’s YouTube videos:

Corporate Criminals Run Free bemoans the corporate bullying of environmental lawyer Steven Donziger by Chevron Oil after their losing a $10 billion lawsuit in Ecuador.

Don't Bank with Bank of America derides Bank of America, the bank folks love to hate.

Only in my Dreams a sweet love song in the fashion of the American songbook.

Ballad of Mitch and Donald political rant on two of our nation's leaders, who should never have been in office.

California's Burning was inspired by the devastating 2018 forest fires in California, but is told with a satirical twist. Live at the Geneva Point Conference Center in NH, I’m accompanied by masterful Mark Cosgrove on lead guitar.

Uniontown, my song forms the soundtrack in a video released by the Black Belt Citizens group.  This low-income, largely black town in Alabama was forced in 2007 by the State to accept a massive toxic landfill site, causing severe health and environmental consequences.

A Moose in our House bemoans mayhem caused when an ornery moose invades our house causing untold damage. Children’s song or political commentary??

Belize extols this small Central American country in a live performance with Kenny Selcer on lead guitar.

Do You See That Girl my pleasing effort to write an early Beatle-style song 50 years after the “invasion” in a live performance with Kenny Selcer on lead guitar.

Don't Let An Innocent Man Die retells the story of Richard Glossip, who sits on Oklahoma's death row, outrageously convicted on the flimsiest of evidence.

Billionaires Get Richer Every Day describes the scene in America under the Trump administration.

Dog Overboard recounts the fortuitous rescue of the dog Chesney from Nantucket Sound after jumping off a ferry.

What Bathroom Should I Use bemoans the plight of discriminated minorities due to North Carolina's HB2 bathroom law.

Forgiveness recorded live in Oct 2015 at Amazing Things in Framingham.  Accompanying me are Kenny Selcer, Steve Gilligan, Camille Breeze and Carol Gyurina.

Till You Went Away is a poignant song performed at the SAMW camp in July 2015 with backing from David Surette and Susie Burke.

Fukushima commemorates the 3/11/11 calamity there and some bizarre plans to handle the ongoing damage.

Put The Guns Away makes a heartfelt appeal for gun control.


Checkout the WORDPLAY link to read about “Idioisms”, a section on “Whimsical Names”, and other fun topics on words.  I get new additions from readers.  Here’s your chance to contribute your favorites.